samedi, mai 20, 2006

You know you're ready for camp when...

You know you're ready for camp when...

When...Your idea of comfy sleeping equals a good sleeping bag and a hoodie

When...Your basic jewelry consist of hemp and bungee cord

When...Your make-up is tribal markings made out of face-paint, and drawn on by a bunch of crazy kids during a game of ''Capture the councellors" enjoy looking out for every colour of Crocs there is out there marvel for minutes in front of the bead stand at Wal-Mart

When...MEC* has become your first stop for fashion

When... You consider ''lingerie'' wetsuits and bathing suits

When... Your basic toiletries become sunscreen, bio soap,bugspray and Aloes Vera

When...You thing you look sexy in a pair of baige shorts and a burgundy golf-shirt, the THCF uniform

When... you have carabiners hanging all over you start singing camp songs like ''Brown Squirrel'' in the shower (and do the actions too)

When... you brush-up on never-can-tell games like Sally Green, Chinese numbers and I spy

When... your idea of trendy clothes trademarks include Columbia, Body Glove, Crocs, Billabong and Old Navy (and ok..American Eagle for the preppy ones) think a sunglasses suntan is a fashion statement intensely crave Tacos n' Smores by the campfire

When... the 4 food groups become Camp food, smores, snacks and Tim Horton's have a full collection of Sharpies

When... you start saying '' BUDDY CHECK!!! GET WITH CHUR BUDDY" can't wait to drink all the Tim Horton teas and coffees all in the same day (it's free!)

When... a 7 o'clock wake-up is considered sleeping-in

When... taking a shower after a camping overnight becomes the best thing in the world since Internet

When... you think you can withstand a 8h bus-plane-bus trip with 50 kids think you can withstand an international trip with 50 kids

When... you have the capabability to ignore the rest of the world for 10 whole days...and to enjoy the peace and quietness of being in the absolut middle of nowhere near civilised people*

Note- Tatamagouche is NOT considered civilisation because there's only 1 computer at the public access, a lousy pub, a one-ally general strore and a very small supermarket plus there's Mennonites all over the place...

And oh yeah...this post is in english because I have to brush-up on my english before heading up to camp...and if you have no freakin' idea of where Tatamagouche is, there's and type ''Tatamagouche'' and TADA!

This is Tatamagouche from the sky... quiet place..middle-of-nowhere...

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